新刊速递 |《J of International Economics》国际经济学杂志 2023年 9月刊 目录 及 内容提要
鈥滃畾鍒舵枃鐚 姣忔棩 閭欢鎺ㄩ佹湇鍔′粙缁嶏紙鏂帮級
鏈熷垔鍚嶇О锛氥奐ournal of International Economics銆(鍥介檯缁忔祹瀛︽潅蹇) 褰卞搷鍥犲瓙锛3.3 鏈熷垔鍒嗙被锛欵CONOMICS 缁忔祹瀛 Top鍒嗗尯锛氭槸 Q1 鍑虹増鍛ㄦ湡锛氬弻鏈堝垔 褰撳墠鏈熸暟锛歏olume 144, September 2023 |
01. Export side effects of wars on organized crime: The case of Mexico (鍑哄彛鎴樹簤鎵撳嚮鏈夌粍缁囩姱缃殑鍓綔鐢:澧ㄨタ鍝ョ殑鎯呭喌)
02. Carbon pricing, border adjustment and climate clubs: Options for international cooperation (纰冲畾浠枫佽竟鐣岃皟鏁村拰姘斿欎勘涔愰儴:閫夋嫨鍥介檯鍚堜綔)
03. Exchange rate misalignment and external imbalances: What is the optimal monetary policy response? (姹囩巼澶辫皟鍜屽閮ㄥけ琛:鏈浼樿揣甯佹斂绛栫殑鍙嶅簲鏄粈涔?)
04. Increasing marginal costs, firm heterogeneity, and the gains from 鈥渄eep鈥 international trade agreements (杈归檯鎴愭湰澧炲姞,浼佷笟寮傝川鎬,鏀剁泭鈥滄繁鈥濆浗闄呰锤鏄撳崗瀹)
05. Capital flows and income inequality (璧勬湰娴佸姩鍜屾敹鍏ヤ笉骞崇瓑)
06. Optimal redistributive policy in debt constrained economies (鏈浼樺哄姟绾︽潫鐨勭粡娴庡啀鍒嗛厤鏀跨瓥)
07. Trade reform, oligopsony, and labor market distortion: Theory and evidence (鍟嗗搧閲囪喘鍨勬柇璐告槗鏀归潻,鍔冲姩鍔涘競鍦烘壄鏇:鐞嗚鍜岃瘉鎹)
08. Sectoral fiscal multipliers and technology in open economy (鍦ㄥ紑鏀剧殑缁忔祹閮ㄩ棬璐㈡斂涔樻暟鍜屾妧鏈)
09. The local technology spillovers of multinational firms (褰撳湴鐨勮法鍥藉叕鍙哥殑鎶鏈孩鍑烘晥搴)
10. Capacity building as a route to export market expansion: A six-country experiment in the Western Balkans (鑳藉姏寤鸿閫斿緞鍑哄彛甯傚満鎵╁紶:宸村皵骞插崐宀涜タ閮ㄧ殑鍏柟瀹為獙)
11. Within firm supply chains: Evidence from India (鍦ㄥ叕鍙哥殑渚涘簲閾:璇佹嵁鏉ヨ嚜鍗板害)
12. The role of immigrants in the United States labor market and Chinese import competition (绉绘皯鍦ㄧ編鍥藉姵鍔ㄥ姏甯傚満鐨勪綔鐢ㄥ拰涓浗杩涘彛鐨勭珵浜)
13. Carbon taxes and the geography of fossil lending (纰虫帓鏀剧◣鍜屽湴鐞嗙殑鍖栫煶鏀捐捶)
A b s t r a c t
01. Export side effects of wars on organized crime: The case of Mexico (鍑哄彛鎴樹簤鎵撳嚮鏈夌粍缁囩姱缃殑鍓綔鐢:澧ㄨタ鍝ョ殑鎯呭喌)
浣滆咃細Jes煤s Gorr铆n, Jos茅 Morales-Arilla, Bernardo Ricca
鎽樿锛歍his paper finds that law enforcement interventions during the Mexican Drug War (MDW) hindered local export growth. We leverage exogenous variation in drug enforcement from the close election of mayors affiliated with the national ruling party during the MDW. Firms servicing the same markets but exogenously exposed to drug enforcement experienced lower export growth. The MDW decreased capital investments, eroding productivity gains in capital-intensive activities. (鏈枃鍙戠幇,鎵ф硶骞查鍦ㄥⅷ瑗垮摜鐨勬瘨鍝佹垬浜(MDW)闃荤浜嗗綋鍦板嚭鍙e闀裤傛垜浠埄鐢ㄥ鐢熷彉鍖栨瘨鍝佺鍒朵粠甯傞暱鐨勯変妇鍦∕DW闅跺睘浜庡浗瀹舵墽鏀垮厷銆傚叕鍙告湇鍔$浉鍚岀殑澶栭儴甯傚満,浣嗘帴瑙﹀埌姣掑搧绠″埗骞朵笖缁忛獙涓板瘜鐨勫嚭鍙e闀夸笅闄嶃侻DW鍑忓皯璧勬湰鎶曡祫,鍓婂急鐢熶骇鐜囧闀垮湪璧勬湰瀵嗛泦鍨嬫椿鍔ㄣ)
02. Carbon pricing, border adjustment and climate clubs: Options for international cooperation (纰冲畾浠枫佽竟鐣岃皟鏁村拰姘斿欎勘涔愰儴:閫夋嫨鍥介檯鍚堜綔)
浣滆咃細Anne Ernst, Natascha Hinterlang, Alexander Mahle, Nikolai St盲hler
鎽樿锛欼n a dynamic, three-region environmental multi-sector general equilibrium model, we find that carbon pricing generates a long-lasting downturn as production costs rise. Dirty production is shifted towards countries with laxer climate policies, known as carbon leakage. A border adjustment tax mitigates but does not prevent carbon leakage. Its impact on emissions is limited, and it mainly 鈥減rotects鈥 dirty domestic production sectors with tradeable goods (in relative terms). Benefits from lower emissions damage materialize only in the medium to long run. From the perspective of a region that introduces carbon pricing, the downturn is smaller and long-run benefits are larger if more regions participate. However, for non-participating regions, there is no incremental incentive to participate as they forego trade spillovers and face higher production costs along the transition. Because of the costly transition, average world welfare may fall as a result of global carbon pricing unless 鈥渢he rich鈥 assist 鈥渢he poor鈥. (< span >鍦ㄥ姩鎬併佷笁鍖虹幆澧冨閮ㄩ棬涓鑸潎琛℃ā鍨,鎴戜滑鍙戠幇纰冲畾浠蜂骇鐢熸寔涔呯殑琛伴闅忕潃鐢熶骇鎴愭湰鐨勪笂鍗囥傝偖鑴忕殑鐢熶骇杞悜瀹芥澗鐨勬皵鍊欐斂绛栫殑鍥藉,琚О涓虹⒊娉勬紡銆傝竟鐣岃皟鏁寸◣鏀堕檷浣庝絾骞朵笉濡ㄧ纰虫硠婕忋傚鎺掓斁鐨勫奖鍝嶆槸鏈夐檺鐨,瀹冧富瑕佹槸鈥滀繚鎶も濊剰鍥藉唴鐢熶骇閮ㄩ棬涓庡彲浜ゆ槗鍟嗗搧(鐩稿鑰岃█)銆傚彈鐩婁簬杈冧綆鐨勬帓鏀剧牬鍧忓彧瀹炵幇涓暱鏈熸潵鐪嬨備粠鍖哄煙鐨勮搴,浠嬬粛浜嗙⒊瀹氫环,缁忔祹琛伴鏇村皬鍜岄暱鏈熸晥鐩婃洿澶у鏋滄洿澶氬湴鍖虹殑鍙備笌銆傜劧鑰,浠h〃鍦板尯,娌℃湁澧為噺鐨勫弬涓庡姩鏈,鍥犱负浠栦滑鏀惧純璐告槗婧㈠嚭鏁堝簲鍜屾部杩囨浮闈复鏇撮珮鐨勭敓浜ф垚鏈傚洜涓烘槀璐电殑杩囨浮,涓栫晫骞冲潎绂忓埄鍙兘浼氱敱浜庡叏鐞冪⒊瀹氫环,闄ら潪鈥滃瘜浜衡濆府鍔┾滅┓浜衡濄)
03. Exchange rate misalignment and external imbalances: What is the optimal monetary policy response? (姹囩巼澶辫皟鍜屽閮ㄥけ琛:鏈浼樿揣甯佹斂绛栫殑鍙嶅簲鏄粈涔?)
浣滆咃細Giancarlo Corsetti, Luca Dedola, Sylvain Leduc
鎽樿锛欻ow should monetary policy respond to excessive capital inflows that appreciate the currency and widen the external deficit? Using the workhorse open-macro model, we derive a quadratic approximation of the utility-based global loss function in incomplete market economies, and solve for the optimal targeting rules under cooperation. The optimal monetary stance is expansionary if the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) on import prices is complete, contractionary if nominal rigidities attenuate ERPT. Excessive capital inflows, however, may lead to currency undervaluation instead of overvaluation for some parameter values. The optimal stance is then invariably expansionary to support domestic demand. (璐у竵鏀跨瓥搴旇濡備綍搴斿杩囧害璧勬湰娴佸叆,浜烘皯甯佸崌鍊煎拰鎵╁ぇ澶栭儴璧ゅ瓧鍚?浣跨敤涓诲姏鎵撳紑妯″瀷,鎴戜滑寰楀嚭涓涓熀浜庣敤閫旂殑鍏ㄧ悆鎹熷け鍑芥暟鐨勪簩闃惰繎浼间笉瀹屽叏甯傚満缁忔祹,骞舵眰鍑烘渶浼樼洰鏍囪鍒欎笅鍚堜綔銆傛渶浼樿揣甯佹斂绛栨槸鎵╁紶鎬у鏋滄眹鐜囩洿閫(ERPT)杩涘彛浠锋牸瀹屾垚,濡傛灉鍚嶄箟鍒氭у噺寮盓RPT绱х缉銆傜劧鑰,杩囧害璧勬湰娴佸叆鍙兘浼氬鑷存眹鐜囦綆浼拌屼笉鏄珮浼颁竴浜涘弬鏁板笺傛渶浼樺Э鎬佺劧鍚庢绘槸鎵╁紶鎬ф敮鎸佸浗鍐呴渶姹傘)
04. Increasing marginal costs, firm heterogeneity, and the gains from 鈥渄eep鈥 international trade agreements (杈归檯鎴愭湰澧炲姞,浼佷笟寮傝川鎬,鏀剁泭鈥滄繁鈥濆浗闄呰锤鏄撳崗瀹)
浣滆咃細Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, Stephen R. Cray, Antoine Gervais
鎽樿锛歍wo parameters are central to modern quantitative models of trade flows: the elasticity of substitution in consumption (<span class="mathmicroeconomic foundation for estimating all three parameters using the Feenstra methodology alongside a gravity equation. Third, we demonstrate the importance of increasing marginal costs for shallow and deep trade-agreement liberalizations using two counterfactual exercises. (< span >涓や釜鍙傛暟鏄幇浠h锤鏄撴祦鐨勫畾閲忔ā鍨嬬殑鏍稿績:娑堣垂鏇夸唬寮规(< span class = " mathmicroeconomic鑺柉鐗规媺鍩洪噾浼氫及璁¤繖涓変釜鍙傛暟鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曚笌涓涓噸鍔涙柟绋嬨傜涓,鎴戜滑灞曠ず鐨勯噸瑕佹у鍔犺竟闄呮垚鏈负娴呭拰娣辫锤鏄撳崗瀹氳嚜鐢卞寲浣跨敤涓や釜鍙嶄簨瀹炵殑缁冧範銆)<="" p="">
05. Capital flows and income inequality (璧勬湰娴佸姩鍜屾敹鍏ヤ笉骞崇瓑)
浣滆咃細Zheng Liu, Mark M. Spiegel, Jingyi Zhang
鎽樿锛歐e document empirical evidence that surges in capital inflows (outflows) raise (reduce) income inequality. We study the mechanism through which changes in capital flows and capital account policies can influence income distributions in a small open economy model. Our model features heterogeneous agents and financial frictions, with banks intermediating between household savings and entrepreneur investment. Inflow surges disproportionately raise entrepreneur income, exacerbating inequality, while increases in outflows boost the share of household income, alleviating inequality. Under capital-skill complementarity, capital account liberalization that induces net capital inflows raises both the skill wage premium and overall income inequality. These predictions are in line with our empirical evidence. (< span > < span >鎴戜滑鏂囨。鐨勫疄璇佽瘉鎹〃鏄,璧勬湰娴佸叆婵澧(娴佸嚭)鎻愰珮(闄嶄綆)鏀跺叆涓嶅钩绛夈傛垜浠涔犵殑鏈哄埗,閫氳繃璧勬湰娴佸姩鍜岃祫鏈处鎴锋斂绛栫殑鍙樺寲鍙互褰卞搷鏀跺叆鍒嗛厤鍦ㄤ竴涓皬鍨嬪紑鏀剧粡娴庢ā鍨嬨傚紓鏋勭殑浠g悊浜哄拰閲戣瀺鎽╂摝妯″瀷鐗规,涓庨摱琛屼箣闂寸殑濯掍粙瀹跺涵鍌ㄨ搫鍜屼紒涓氬鐨勬姇璧勩傛祦鍏ユ縺澧炰笉鎴愭瘮渚嬪湴鎻愰珮浼佷笟瀹舵敹鍏,鍔犲墽涓嶅钩绛,鑰屾祦鍑虹殑澧炲姞鎻愰珮瀹跺涵鏀跺叆鐨勬瘮渚,鍑忚交涓嶅钩绛夈俢apital-skill浜掕ˉ涓,璧勬湰璐︽埛鑷敱鍖,瀵艰嚧鍑璧勬湰娴佸叆澧炲姞鎶鑳藉伐璧勬孩浠峰拰鏁翠綋鏀跺叆涓嶅钩绛夈傝繖浜涢娴嬬鍚堟垜浠殑缁忛獙璇佹嵁銆)
06. Optimal redistributive policy in debt constrained economies (鏈浼樺哄姟绾︽潫鐨勭粡娴庡啀鍒嗛厤鏀跨瓥)
浣滆咃細Monica Tran-Xuan
鎽樿锛欻ow should governments with a preference for redistribution design tax policies when facing limited borrowing? This paper studies optimal taxation in a small open economy with heterogeneous agents and endogenous debt constraints arising from the government's limited commitment to fiscal policies. The optimal labor tax decreases over time and is nonzero in the limit, and the optimal capital and domestic borrowing taxes are positive in the limit, deviating from the standard Ramsey tax results. The government's redistributive motive directly affects optimal tax levels, whereas binding debt constraints influence optimal tax dynamics. In the numerical analysis, a stronger redistributive preference requires greater initial tax distortions and a higher external debt level in the long run. (< span >鏀垮簻搴旇濡備綍璁捐鍊惧悜浜庡啀鍒嗛厤绋庢敹鏀跨瓥鏃堕潰涓存湁闄愮殑鍊熸?鏈枃鐮旂┒鏈浼樼◣鏀朵笌寮傛瀯浠g悊鍜屼竴涓紑鏀剧殑灏忓瀷缁忔祹浣撲骇鐢熺殑鍐呮簮鎬у哄姟绾︽潫鏀垮簻鏈夐檺鐨勮储鏀挎斂绛栫殑鎵胯銆傛渶浼樺姵鍔ㄧ◣鏀朵笅闄嶉殢鐫鏃堕棿鐨勬帹绉诲拰闈為浂鐨勬瀬闄,鍜屾渶浼樿祫鏈拰鍥藉唴鍊熻捶绋庢敹鏄Н鏋佺殑鍦ㄦ瀬闄愭儏鍐典笅,鍋忕鏍囧噯鐨勬媺濮嗛綈绋庣殑缁撴灉銆傛斂搴滅殑鍐嶅垎閰嶅姩鏈虹洿鎺ュ奖鍝嶆渶浼樼◣鏀舵按骞,鑰屽哄姟绾︽潫鏈浼樼◣鏀跺奖鍝嶅姩鎬佺粦瀹氥傚湪鏁板煎垎鏋愪腑,鏇村己鐨勫啀鍒嗛厤鍋忓ソ闇瑕佹洿澶х殑鍒濆绋庢敹鎵洸鍜岄暱鏈熷鍊烘按骞虫洿楂樸)
07. Trade reform, oligopsony, and labor market distortion: Theory and evidence (鍟嗗搧閲囪喘鍨勬柇璐告槗鏀归潻,鍔冲姩鍔涘競鍦烘壄鏇:鐞嗚鍜岃瘉鎹)
浣滆咃細Hoang Pham
鎽樿锛欼n a heterogeneous-firm model with oligopsonistic local labor markets, this paper shows that opening up to trade can affect distortion in such markets. The distortion arises because firms are large and able to exercise market power over their local workers. Using a panel dataset of Chinese manufacturing firms from 1998 to 2007, I measure firm-level labor market distortion and examine their evolution following China's trade policy reform in 2001. I find that labor market distortion is pervasive and the trade policy reform has led to a net reduction of the distortion in China's manufacturing sector, with a larger and significant effect working through the liberalization of input tariffs. (heterogeneous-firm妯″瀷涓巓ligopsonistic褰撳湴鍔冲姩鍔涘競鍦,鏈枃琛ㄦ槑,璐告槗寮鏀句細褰卞搷鐣稿彉绛夊競鍦恒傚け鐪熸槸鍥犱负鍏徃澶,鑳藉瀵瑰綋鍦板伐浜鸿浣垮競鍦哄姏銆備娇鐢ㄩ潰鏉挎暟鎹泦鐨勪腑鍥藉埗閫犱笟鍏徃浠1998骞村埌2007骞,鎴戞祴閲忓叕鍙哥骇鐨勫姵鍔ㄥ姏甯傚満鎵洸鍜屾鏌ヤ粬浠殑杩涘寲鍚,2001骞翠腑鍥界殑璐告槗鏀跨瓥鏀归潻銆傛垜鍙戠幇鍔冲姩鍔涘競鍦烘壄鏇茬幇璞℃櫘閬,璐告槗鏀跨瓥鐨勬敼闈╁鑷寸殑鍑鍑忓皯涓浗鍒堕犱笟鐨勫け鐪,涓庝竴涓洿澶х殑鍜屾樉钁楃殑褰卞搷閫氳繃杈撳叆鍏崇◣鐨勮嚜鐢卞寲銆)
08. Sectoral fiscal multipliers and technology in open economy (鍦ㄥ紑鏀剧殑缁忔祹閮ㄩ棬璐㈡斂涔樻暟鍜屾妧鏈)
浣滆咃細Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
鎽樿锛歄ur evidence reveals that the rise in real GDP is uniformly distributed across sectors following a government spending shock while labor growth is concentrated in non-traded industries. A rationale behind these two findings lies in technology which responds endogenously to the government spending shock. While technology improvements are concentrated in traded industries, technological change is biased toward labor (capital) in non-traded (traded) industries. To account for our evidence, we consider a semi-small open economy model with tradables and non-tradables where both capital and technology can be used more intensively. While financial openness amplifies the biasedness of the demand shock toward non-traded goods, labor mobility costs, imperfect substitutability between home- and foreign-produced traded goods and endogenous capital utilization are necessary conditions for giving rise to traded technology improvement. The model can reproduce the size of fiscal multipliers once we let technology adjustment costs together with factor-biased technological change vary across sectors. (鎴戜滑鐨勮瘉鎹〃鏄,瀹為檯GDP鐨勫闀挎槸鍧囧寑鍦板垎甯冨湪鍚勪釜琛屼笟鍦ㄦ斂搴滄敮鍑哄啿鍑昏屽姵鍔ㄥ姏澧為暱闆嗕腑鍦ㄩ潪璐告槗琛屼笟銆傝繖涓や釜鍙戠幇鑳屽悗鐨勫熀鏈師鐞嗗湪浜庢妧鏈,浠庡唴閮ㄥ搷搴旀斂搴滄敮鍑哄啿鍑汇傝屾妧鏈敼杩涗富瑕侀泦涓湪浜ゆ槗琛屼笟,鎶鏈彉闈╂槸鍋忓悜鍔冲姩(璧勬湰)鍦ㄩ潪璐告槗琛屼笟(浜ゆ槗)銆傚崰鎴戜滑鐨勮瘉鎹,鎴戜滑璁や负semi-small寮鏀剧殑缁忔祹妯″瀷涓庤锤鏄撳搧鍜屼笉鍙锤鏄撹祫鏈拰鎶鏈彲浠ヤ娇鐢ㄦ洿鍔犵揣鍑戙傚湪閲戣瀺寮鏀炬斁澶iasedness鍚戦潪璐告槗鍟嗗搧鐨勯渶姹傚啿鍑,鍔冲姩鍔涙祦鍔ㄦ垚鏈,涓嶅畬缇庣殑瀹跺涵涔嬮棿鐨勫彲缃崲鎬,foreign-produced璐告槗鍟嗗搧鍜屽唴婧愭ц祫鏈埄鐢ㄧ巼鏄繀瑕佺殑鏉′欢瀵艰嚧浜ゆ槗鎶鏈敼杩涖傛ā鍨嬭兘澶熼噸鐜拌储鏀夸箻鏁扮殑澶у皬涓鏃︽垜浠鎶鏈皟鏁存垚鏈繛鍚宖actor-biased鎶鏈彉闈╀笉鍚岄儴闂ㄣ)
09. The local technology spillovers of multinational firms (褰撳湴鐨勮法鍥藉叕鍙哥殑鎶鏈孩鍑烘晥搴)
浣滆咃細Robin Kaiji Gong
鎽樿锛歍his study examines how innovation by U.S. multinational firms affects the productivity of domestic Chinese firms in the same counties as the U.S. subsidiaries. After manually matching U.S. multinational firms with their manufacturing subsidiaries in China, I use citation-weighted patent stock to measure U.S.-produced external knowledge in Chinese counties and employ an instrumental variable strategy based on U.S. R&D tax credit policies to address potential endogeneity concerns. Findings suggest that innovation by U.S. multinational firms improves the productivity of domestic Chinese firms co-located with their subsidiaries, indicating a local technology spillover effect. Domestic firms with high-wage workers, high innovation capacity, and private ownership are better equipped to absorb these spillovers. In addition, domestic firms in industries with closer technological ties to U.S. multinational firms benefit more from their innovation, suggesting that technological proximity amplifies the spillover effect. (< span > < span >鏈爺绌舵瑙嗙編鍥借法鍥藉叕鍙稿垱鏂板浣曞奖鍝嶄腑鍥藉浗鍐呭叕鍙稿湪鍚屼竴涓幙鐨勭敓浜у姏闅忕潃缇庡浗瀛愬叕鍙搞傚悗鎵嬪姩鍖归厤缇庡浗璺ㄥ浗鍏徃鍜屼粬浠殑鍒堕犱笟瀛愬叕鍙稿湪涓浗,鎴戜娇鐢╟itation-weighted鑲$エ琛¢噺缇庡浗涓撳埄鍐插嚮娉㈠閮ㄧ煡璇嗗湪涓浗鐨勫幙鍜岄泧浣d竴涓伐鍏峰彉閲忕殑绛栫暐鍩轰簬缇庡浗鐨勭爺鍙戠◣鏀舵姷鍏嶆斂绛,浠ヨВ鍐虫綔鍦ㄧ殑鍐呯敓鎬ч棶棰樸傚彂鐜拌〃鏄,缇庡浗璺ㄥ浗鍏徃鍒涙柊鎻愰珮涓浗鍥藉唴浼佷笟鐨勭敓浜у姏涓庡叾浠栧瓙鍏徃,琛ㄦ槑褰撳湴鐨勬妧鏈孩鍑烘晥搴斻傚浗鍐呬紒涓氶珮钖殑宸ヤ汉,楂樺垱鏂拌兘鍔,绉佹湁鍒舵槸鑳芥洿濂藉湴鍚告敹杩欎簺婧㈠嚭鏁堝簲銆傛澶,鍥藉唴浼佷笟涓庣編鍥藉叧绯荤揣瀵嗙殑鎶鏈涓氳法鍥藉叕鍙镐粠浠栦滑鐨勫垱鏂拌幏鐩婃洿澶,杩欒〃鏄庢妧鏈窛绂绘斁澶т簡婧㈠嚭鏁堝簲銆)
10. Capacity building as a route to export market expansion: A six-country experiment in the Western Balkans (鑳藉姏寤鸿閫斿緞鍑哄彛甯傚満鎵╁紶:宸村皵骞插崐宀涜タ閮ㄧ殑鍏柟瀹為獙)
浣滆咃細Ana P. Cusolito, Ornella Darova, David McKenzie
鎽樿锛歍he limited market size of many small emerging economies is a key constraint to the growth of innovative small and medium enterprises. Exporting offers a potential solution, but firms may struggle to locate and appeal to foreign buyers. We conducted a six-country randomized experiment with 225 firms in the Western Balkans to test the effectiveness of 30鈥痟 of live group-based training and 5鈥痟 of one-on-one remote consulting in overcoming these constraints. Treated firms used techniques such as search engine optimization and improved Facebook content to increase their digital presence and better reach foreign customers. A year later, we find positive and significant impacts on the number of customers, and a significant intensive margin increase in export sales. Qualitative interviews suggest this improvement came from a combination of sector-specific advice on market expansion, and through an encouragement effect which gave entrepreneurs the confidence to try new sales strategies. (甯傚満瑙勬ā鏈夐檺鐨勮澶氬皬鍨嬫柊鍏寸粡娴庝綋鏄竴涓叧閿殑绾︽潫鍒涙柊鍨嬩腑灏忎紒涓氱殑鍙戝睍銆傚嚭鍙f彁渚涗簡涓涓綔鍦ㄧ殑瑙e喅鏂规,浣嗗叕鍙稿彲鑳介毦浠ュ畾浣嶅拰鍚稿紩澶栧浗涔板銆傛垜浠繘琛屼簡鍏柟闅忔満瀹為獙涓225瀹跺叕鍙稿湪宸村皵骞插崐宀涜タ閮ㄦ祴璇曠殑鏈夋晥鎬30鈥痟缁勭殑璁粌鍜岀敓娲5鈥痟涓瀵逛竴杩滅▼鍜ㄨ鍦ㄥ厠鏈嶈繖浜涢檺鍒躲傚寰呭叕鍙镐娇鐢ㄧ殑鎶鏈,濡傛悳绱㈠紩鎿庝紭鍖栧拰鏀硅繘鐨凢acebook鍐呭澧炲姞鏁板瓧瀛樺湪鍜屾洿濂界殑杈惧埌澶栧浗瀹㈡埛銆備竴骞村悗,鎴戜滑鍙戠幇姝e悜涓旀樉钁楀奖鍝嶅鎴风殑鏁伴噺,鍜屽瘑闆嗙殑鍑哄彛閿鍞埄娑﹀鍔犮傚畾鎬ч噰璁胯〃鏄庤繖绉嶆敼杩涙潵鑷粨鍚堝叿浣撹涓氬競鍦烘墿寮,寤鸿鍜岄氳繃榧撳姳鏁堝簲浣夸紒涓氬鐨勪俊蹇冨皾璇曟柊鐨勯攢鍞瓥鐣ャ)
11. Within firm supply chains: Evidence from India (鍦ㄥ叕鍙哥殑渚涘簲閾:璇佹嵁鏉ヨ嚜鍗板害)
浣滆咃細Shresth Garg, Pulak Ghosh, Brandon Joel Tan
鎽樿锛歍here are competing theories on whether vertical ownership is motivated by the transfer of physical inputs or the transfer of intangibles. Using administrative data on the universe of goods shipments in Karnataka, India, we show that the supply of goods along the production chain is an important rationale for vertical integration. First, we develop and estimate a gravity model of input sourcing, and find that: (1) establishments have a strong preference for sourcing their physical inputs from suppliers within the same firm relative to other frictions such as distance and state borders, and (2) the share of within-firm trade would be near 2% absent this preference for internal suppliers. Next, we compare this to the data and find that 38% of products are sourced by establishments exclusively from within the firm when a vertically integrated supplier exists; an order of magnitude higher than our 2% benchmark. Finally, we validate that within-firm sourcing is associated with determinants of physical supply chain transaction costs such as product specificity and R&D investment. (鏈夌珵浜夌悊璁烘槸鍚﹀瀭鐩存墍鏈夋潈鏄嚭浜庣墿鐞嗚緭鍏ユ垨杞鏃犲舰璧勪骇鐨勮浆绉汇備娇鐢ㄧ鐞嗗畤瀹欑殑鍟嗗搧鍑鸿揣閲忔暟鎹湪鍗$撼濉斿厠閭,鍗板害,鎴戜滑琛ㄦ槑,鍟嗗搧鐨勪緵搴斾骇涓氶摼鍨傜洿鏁村悎鏄竴涓噸瑕佺殑鐞嗙敱銆傞鍏,鎴戜滑寮鍙戝拰璇勪及涓涓噸鍔涙ā鍨嬬殑杈撳叆閲囪喘,骞跺彂鐜:(1)鏈烘瀯寮虹儓鍦板惧悜浜庨噰璐粠渚涘簲鍟嗗湪鍚屼竴鐗╃悊杈撳叆鍏徃鐩稿浜庡叾浠栨懇鎿,濡傝窛绂诲拰鍥藉杈圭晫,鍜(2)浜庡浐瀹氳锤鏄撲腑鎵鍗犱唤棰濆皢缂哄腑杩2%鍋忓ソ鍐呴儴渚涘簲鍟嗐傛帴涓嬫潵,鎴戜滑姣旇緝鐨勬暟鎹,鍙戠幇38%鐨勪骇鍝佹槸鐢变笓闂ㄦ満鏋勯噰璐湪鍏徃褰撲竴涓瀭鐩存暣鍚堢殑渚涘簲鍟嗗瓨鍦;涓涓暟閲忕骇楂樹簬2%鐨勫熀鍑嗐傛渶鍚,鎴戜滑楠岃瘉浜庡浐瀹氶噰璐笌鐗╃悊渚涘簲閾句氦鏄撴垚鏈殑鍐冲畾鍥犵礌濡備骇鍝佺壒寮傛у拰鐮斿彂鎶曡祫銆)
12. The role of immigrants in the United States labor market and Chinese import competition (绉绘皯鍦ㄧ編鍥藉姵鍔ㄥ姏甯傚満鐨勪綔鐢ㄥ拰涓浗杩涘彛鐨勭珵浜)
浣滆咃細Chan Yu
鎽樿锛歊esearch has shown a limited labor mobility response to trade shocks. However, existing studies of aggregate mobility may miss important heterogeneity. This paper proposes a mechanism through which local labor markets adjust to trade shocks, namely immigrant mobility. I find a relative decline in the immigrant population in areas more exposed to import growth from China. An interquartile increase in Chinese import exposure decreases the immigrant population by 5.4% but has little effect on the native population. Additionally, immigrant mobility mitigates the effects of trade shocks on native labor outcomes. The present study shows that natives in areas with more immigrants experience smaller declines in employment relative to areas with fewer immigrants. (鐮旂┒琛ㄦ槑鏈夐檺鐨勫姵鍔ㄥ姏娴佸姩璐告槗鍐插嚮鐨勫搷搴斻傜劧鑰,鐜版湁鐨勭爺绌舵讳綋娴佸姩鎬у彲鑳戒細鍥犳閿欒繃閲嶈鐨勫紓璐ㄦс傛彁鍑轰簡涓涓満鍒,閫氳繃杩欎釜鏈哄埗,褰撳湴鍔冲姩鍔涘競鍦鸿皟鏁磋锤鏄撳啿鍑,鍗崇Щ姘戞祦鍔ㄣ傛垜鎵惧埌涓涓浉瀵硅“钀界殑绉绘皯浜哄彛鐨勫湴鍖烘洿瀹规槗鍙楀埌鏉ヨ嚜涓浗鐨勮繘鍙e闀裤傚洓鍒嗕綅澧炲姞涓浗杩涘彛鏇濆厜鍑忓皯绉绘皯浜哄彛鐨5.4%,浣嗗鍦熻憲浜哄彛鍑犱箮娌℃湁褰卞搷銆傛澶,绉绘皯娴佸姩鍑忚交浜嗚锤鏄撳啿鍑诲鏈湴鍔冲姩鍔涚殑褰卞搷缁撴灉銆傜洰鍓嶇殑鐮旂┒琛ㄦ槑,鍘熶綇姘戝湴鍖烘湁鏇村鐨勭Щ姘戠粡楠岀殑杈冨皬鐨勪笅闄,灏变笟鐩稿姣旇緝灏戠殑鍦版柟绉绘皯銆)
13. Carbon taxes and the geography of fossil lending (纰虫帓鏀剧◣鍜屽湴鐞嗙殑鍖栫煶鏀捐捶)
浣滆咃細Luc Laeven, Alexander Popov
鎽樿锛歎sing data on syndicated loans, we find that the introduction of a carbon tax is associated with a decline (increase) in bank lending to coal, oil, and gas companies in domestic (foreign) markets. This manifestation of tax arbitrage is particularly pronounced for banks with large fossil-lending exposures, suggesting a role for bank specialization. Lending to private companies in foreign markets increases relatively more, implying bank incentives to avoid public scrutiny. We also find that banks reallocate a relatively larger share of their fossil loan portfolio to countries with less strict environmental regulation and bank supervision. (浣跨敤閾跺洟璐锋鏁版嵁,鎴戜滑鍙戠幇,寮曞叆纰崇◣涓庨摱琛岃捶娆剧殑鍑忓皯(澧炲姞)鐓ょ偔銆佺煶娌瑰拰澶╃劧姘斿叕鍙稿湪鍥藉唴(鍥藉)甯傚満銆傝繖绉嶇◣鏀跺鍒╃殑琛ㄧ幇灏ゅ叾鏄庢樉涓庡ぇ鍨嬮摱琛宖ossil-lending鏇濆厜,寤鸿閾惰涓撲笟鍖栫殑瑙掕壊銆傝捶娆剧粰绉佽惀浼佷笟鍦ㄥ浗澶栧競鍦虹浉瀵瑰鍔,杩欐剰鍛崇潃閾惰婵鍔辨満鍒,浠ラ伩鍏嶅叕浼楃洃鐫c傛垜浠繕鍙戠幇,閾惰閲嶆柊鍒嗛厤鐩稿杈冨ぇ姣斾緥鐨勫寲鐭宠捶娆剧粍鍚堢幆澧冪洃绠″拰閾惰鐩戠涓嶉偅涔堜弗鏍肩殑鍥藉銆)
銆夾EJ:pol銆嬶細August 2023 (Vol. 15, No.3 )
銆奐IE銆嬶細Volume 144, September 2023
銆奐AE銆嬶細Volume 76, Issue 1, August 2023
銆婄瀛﹀涓庣瀛︽妧鏈鐞嗐嬶細2023骞, 绗44鍗, 绗07鏈
鍏紬鍙锋湭鍙戝竷鏈熷垔鏂版枃鐚祫鏂欏湪 鈥滄枃鐚氦娴佺兢鈥 涓洿鎺ュ彂閫佹枃妗o紝浠ュ噺灏戞瘡鏃ュ伐浣滈噺锛屾杩庡ぇ瀹跺叆缇わ紝鎻愭剰瑙!
鍏紬鍙峰悗鍙板洖澶嶏細鏂囩尞浜ゆ祦缇 鈥傗傝幏鍙栧叆缇よ鍒
瀹氬埗鏂囩尞杩借釜鏈嶅姟锛氱敱浜庣洃娴嬬殑鑼冨洿杈冨箍锛屾瘡鏃ユ洿鏂扮殑鏂囩珷淇℃伅杈冨锛岃岀鐮斿伐浣滆呬竴鑸湁鑷繁鍏虫敞棰嗗煙鐨勬枃绔狅紝鏈叕浼楀彿鍙互鎻愪緵 鏍规嵁缁欏畾鐨勫叧閿瘝绛涢夋瘡鏃ユ洿鏂扮殑鏂囩珷锛屽苟灏嗗畾鍒剁殑鏂囩珷淇℃伅鍙戦佽嚦璁㈤槄鑰呴偖绠憋紝鍏蜂綋鍙锛氭瘡鏃 鈥滃畾鍒朵富棰樷 鏂版枃鐚偖浠舵帹閫佹湇鍔★紙鏂帮級锛 閭欢鎺ㄩ佺ず渚嬶紱 鏈熷垔鐩戞祴鑼冨洿锛涳級
鎸夌収 1鍏/鏈/鍏抽敭璇 鐨勬爣鍑嗙疮璁℃敹鍙栵紙鑻ヨ闃呮椂闀胯秴杩囦竴骞达紝鎸夌収10鍏/骞/鍏抽敭璇嶏紱120鍏/3骞/涓嶉檺鍏抽敭璇嶏紱200鍏/姘镐箙/涓嶉檺鍏抽敭璇嶏級
娆㈣繋娣诲姞寰俊锛氣 NewLiterature_6 鈥濆挩璇㈡矡閫