
用憋脚的英文开了一个工单问The Plan为啥没有新加坡gia

2024/06/21 13:45:59
me || Client:
hello, why does the plan package have not the Singapore data center to migrate, but CN2 GIA LIMITED EDITION does

Mia Jay || Staff:
When you choose to "Migrate to another DC", the list of available migration options is show.
Locations that are not on the list, are not available for the current plan.
Thank you.
Mia Jay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks

me || Client:
ok, by the way, is it possibble "the plan edition" will have the Singapore cn2-gia-e to choose in the future

Alex Clay || Staff:
Sorry that it is not offered at this time. The Plan is a promotional plan and may vary in the DC's it offers than regular plans.
We have taken your request and will forward it to our management. We will ask that they consider adding Singapore as a DC option.
Thank you for reaching out!
Alex Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks

me || Client:
ok, thanks buddy