

2022/10/11 16:16:47
Sea anemones are animals, not plants.The sea anemone belongs to the coral order Anemone of the phylum Acanthozoa, and is therefore an echinoderm.The anemone's body is shaped like a flower and has many tentacles on it. When they are in danger, the stinging cells on the tentacles will release venom.As cnidarians, sea anemones are a relatively low-level animal, which is reflected in their lack of advanced body structure.For example, they are without brain and lungs.

Anemones are animals, not plants. Sea anemones belong to the order Anemonales, class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria, and are therefore an echinoderm. Sea anemones have flower-shaped bodies with many tentacles, and when they are in danger, the stinging cells on their tentacles release venom. As cnidarians, sea anemones are relatively low animals, which is reflected in their lack of advanced body structure. For example, they don't have brains or lungs.
