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The Plan
We've listened to your requests to bring it back.Even better than before, take your projects to new heights without stretching your budget.
Now, for a very limited time, you can get The Plan, with the following add-ons:
+ Free automated backups
+ Free snapshots
+ Automatic migration between datacenters
+ No contract, anytime cancellation
+ Instant RDNS update, OS reloads, Console access from the control panel
+ 99.9% uptime guarantee
+ Rewards program — get 1–10% cash back!
+ 30–day money back guarantee — including 高墙 Banned!
The Plan Specs
Imagine our legendary Limited Edition plan but on steroids:Double SSD: 20 GB 40 GB RAID-10
Double RAM: 1 GB 2 GB
Double CPU: 1 core 2 cores
Double Monthly Transfer: 500 GB 1000 GB
Datacenters: up to 5 datacenters 18 datacenters:
Osaka, Japan: 2.5 Gbps
Hong Kong: 2.5 Gbps
Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_3/ i3d: 1 Gbps
Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_9/ China Unicom: 2.5 Gbps
New Jersey, USA: 1 Gbps
New York, USA: 2.5 Gbps
New York-Manhattan, USA: 2.5 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_2/ AO: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_4/ MCOM: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_6/ CN2GIA-E: 2.5 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_8/ ZNET: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_9/ CN2GIA: 1 Gbps
Vancouver, Canada, CABC_1: 2.5 Gbps
Vancouver, Canada, CABC_6/ CN2GIA: 2.5 Gbps
Fremont, USA/ HE: 2.5 Gbps
Fremont, USA/ FMT8: 2.5 Gbps
Dubai, UAE: 2.5 Gbps
Sydney, Australia: 2.5 Gbps
As always, you can switch the datacenter in the control panel after VM is live.
How much does it cost?
The closest currently existing plan (which actually offers less than The Plan!) is priced at $299.99/yr.Today, you can get The Plan for only $99/yr.
And, thanks to our Rewards program, it gets cheaper every year!
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