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From China Telecom Group Beijing:
China Unicom now confirms they will not accept any China Telecom CN2 international routing incl. customers.
This will impact all CN2 customers, including existing, permanently.
CT will peer CU overseas to solve this.
DMIT experience and plan:
As everyone sees in HK and TY, the peer between AS4809/AS23764 and AS10099 is congested.
DMIT will access China Unicom in HK, TY, and LA to improve the network quality for China Unicom customers.
DMIT observed network packet lOSS for China Unicom; it was caused by the above reason.
Since LAX.Pro is CN2 GIA guaranteed; and LAX.EB is CMIN2 guaranteed;
DMIT wasn’t planning to use any other networks on the above network profiles.
Based on the current situation, at least we will bring China Unicom access for inbound direction. (CU > DMIT.)
We will keep you posted.
中国联通现在确认,他们将不再接受任何中国电信 CN2 国际路由,包括客户。
这将永久影响所有 CN2 客户,包括现有客户。
CT 将与海外 CU 对等以解决此问题。
DMIT 经验和计划:
正如大家在香港和泰国看到的,AS4809/AS23764 和 AS10099 之间的对等是拥塞的。
DMIT 将在香港、泰国和洛杉矶访问中国联通,以改善中国联通客户的网络质量。
DMIT 观察到中国联通的网络数据包丢失;这是由上述原因造成的。
由于 LAX.Pro 是 CN2 GIA 保证的;而 LAX.EB 是 CMIN2 保证的;
DMIT 不打算在上述网络配置文件上使用任何其他网络。
根据目前的情况,至少我们将为入站方向提供中国联通接入。(CU > DMIT。)
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