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The densest part of the ocean's mid-depth line is the continental slope. An isobath is a closed curve formed by connecting points of the same depth in an ocean or lake, which is scaled down and projected vertically onto a plane. An isobath has the same depth at points on the same isobath. Sea water depth refers to the vertical distance between the depth datum and the seabed, and the average low water level is usually used as the depth datum. It is mainly used to show the depth and topography of the ocean in the map.There are three kinds of isobaths on the chart: basic isobath, supplementary isobath and imprecise isobath.
The densest isobaths in the ocean are on the continental slope.Isobath is the curve formed in an ocean or lake where points of the same depth are connected into a closed curve, scaled down and projected vertically onto a plane, and the resulting curve is called an isobath.Isobaths have equal depths at each point on the same isobath.The sea depth is the vertical distance between the depth datum and the seabed, and the mean low tide surface is usually used as the depth datum.It is mainly used in charts to represent ocean depth and topography.There are three types of isobaths on nautical charts: basic isobath, subsidized isobath, and imprecise isobath.
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