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live in the moment . don ' t postpone joy waiting for a day when your life is less busy or less stress ful . that day may never come . insteat Look for opportting 活在当下。 不要因为生活的忙碌或者压力而推迟快乐。主机测评那一天可能永远不会到来。相反,你应该寻找机会去品味日常生活中的小乐趣,而不是停留在过去或担心未来。
Gratitude is more than saying thank you. It's a sense of wonder, appreciation and, thankfulness for life. Make a commitment to practice gratitude. When you find yourself thinking an ungrateful thought, try substituting a grateful one. Let gratitude be the last thought before you go to sleep. Let gratitude also be your first thought when you wake up in the morning. 感恩不仅仅是说声谢谢。这是一种对生活的好奇、感激和感谢。做出感恩的承诺。尝试用感恩的心情代替忘恩负义的想法。让感恩陪你入睡。当早上醒来的时候,感恩也将陪你起床。
Don't compare yourself to others. People should know enough to be happy. Don't envy the neighbor's house more than your home, your friends work better than you, and your friends have better relationships than you. You can't change other people's behavior, just jealously and don't make your life better. You have to take a stand on your own point of view and take a look at your own life. 不要拿自己跟他人作比较。人们应该懂得知足常乐。不要再羡慕邻居家的房子比你家的大,朋友的工作比你好,朋友的人际关系比你融洽。你不可能改变他人的行为,一味地嫉妒他人也不会使你的生活往好的方向发展,你必须基于自己的立场,站在自己的角度,审视自己的生活。
Happiness is a moment-to-moment choice, one that many have a hard time making. How willing you are to enjoy simple pleasures, even if things aren’t perfect. Though I haven’t always done this well, today I choose to focus on the good—both in the world and myself—to feel happy right now. 幸福是一种即时的选择,很多人都很难做出选择。即使事情不是很完美,也愿去享受简单的快乐。虽然我并不是总做的那么好,但今天我选择关注世界的美好和自我感觉快乐。
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. 快乐并不意味着一切都完美了,这意味着你决定不再介意那些缺陷。
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