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- 用法: cosfs BUCKET:[PATH] MOUNTPOINT [OPTION]...挂载腾讯云 COS 储存桶作为文件系统. cosfs 和 FUSE/mount 的常规选项: -o opt[,opt...] -o opt [-o opt] ...cosfs 选项: 大多数 cosfs 选项以"opt"的形式给出: <option_name>=<option_value> default_acl (默认="public-read") - 应用所有写入cos对象时的默认acl retries (默认="2") - cos 事务失败时的重试次数 use_cache (默认="" 即禁用缓存) - 用于本地文件缓存的本地文件夹 del_cache (删除本地文件缓存) - cosfs启动和退出时删除本地文件缓存 storage_class (默认="standard") - 使用指定的存储类存储对象. 可能的值: standard, standard_ia, 和 reduced_redundancy. public_bucket (默认="" 即禁用) - 设置为 1 时,匿名挂载公共存储桶 passwd_file (默认="") - 指定要使用的 cosfs 密码文件 connect_timeout (默认="300" 秒) - 连接等待超时时间 readwrite_timeout (默认="60" 秒) - 读写等待超时时间 max_stat_cache_size (默认="1000" 个 (约 4MB)) - 文件元数据的缓存空间可缓存多少个文件的元数据 stat_cache_expire (默认不过期) - 指定文件元数据缓存的过期时间(秒) enable_noobj_cache (默认禁用) - enable cache entries for the object which does not exist. cosfs always has to check whether file(or sub directory) exists under object(path) when cosfs does some command, since cosfs has recognized a directory which does not exist and has files or sub directories under itself. It increases ListBucket request and makes performance bad. You can specify this option for performance, cosfs memorizes in stat cache that the object(file or directory) does not exist. no_check_certificate - server certificate won't be checked against the available certificate authorities. nodnscache (禁用DNS缓存) - cosfs is always using dns cache, this option make dns cache disable. nosscache (禁用SSL会话缓存) - cosfs is always using ssl session cache, this option make ssl session cache disable. multireq_max (默认="20") - maximum number of parallel request for listing objects. parallel_count (默认="5") - number of parallel request for uploading big objects. cosfs uploads large object(over 20MB) by multipart post request, and sends parallel requests. This option limits parallel request count which cosfs requests at once. It is necessary to set this value depending on a CPU and a network band. multipart_size (默认="10") - part size, in MB, for each multipart request. ensure_diskfree (默认与 multipart_size 的值相同) - sets MB to ensure disk free space. cosfs makes file for downloading, uploading and caching files. If the disk free space is smaller than this value, cosfs do not use diskspace as possible in exchange for the performance. singlepart_copy_limit (默认="5120") - maximum size, in MB, of a single-part copy before trying multipart copy. url (默认="") - sets the url to use to access tencentyun cos default_permission (默认=777) - when the file do not have permission meta, cosfs will use this defalut value. endpoint (默认="") - sets the endpoint to use on signature version 4 If the cosfs could not connect to the region specified by this option, cosfs could not run. But if you do not specify this option, and if you can not connect with the default region, cosfs will retry to automatically connect to the other region. So cosfs can know the correct region name, because cosfs can find it in an error from the COS server. mp_umask (默认为 "0000") - sets umask for the mount point directory. If allow_other option is not set, cosfs allows access to the mount point only to the owner. In the opposite case cosfs allows access to all users as the default. But if you set the allow_other with this option, you can control the permissions of the mount point by this option like umask. nomultipart (禁用分段上传) enable_content_md5 (默认禁用) - ensure data integrity during writes with MD5 hash. nocopyapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage) For a distributed object storage which is compatibility COS API without PUT(copy api). If you set this option, cosfs do not use PUT with "x-cos-copy-source"(copy api). Because traffic is increased 2-3 times by this option, we do not recommend this. norenameapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage) For a distributed object storage which is compatibility COS API without PUT(copy api). This option is a subset of nocopyapi option. The nocopyapi option does not use copy-api for all command(ex. chmod, chown, touch, mv, etc), but this option does not use copy-api for only rename command(ex. mv). If this option is specified with nocopyapi, then cosfs ignores it. use_path_request_style (use legacy API calling style) Enble compatibility with OSS-like APIs which do not support the virtual-host request style, by using the older path request style. dbglevel (默认="crit") Set the debug message level. set value as crit(critical), err (error), warn(warning), info(information) to debug level. default debug level is critical. If cosfs run with "-d" option, the debug level is set information. When cosfs catch the signal SIGUSR2, the debug level is bumpup. curldbg - put curl debug message Put the debug message from libcurl when this option is specified.FUSE/mount 选项: Most of the generic mount options described in 'man mount' are supported (ro, rw, suid, nosuid, dev, nodev, exec, noexec, atime, noatime, sync async, dirsync). Filesystems are mounted with '-onodev,nosuid' by default, which can only be overridden by a privileged user. There are many FUSE specific mount options that can be specified. e.g. allow_other See the FUSE's README for the full set.其它选项: -h, --help 输出帮助信息. --version 输出版本信息. -d --debug 开启系统日志的调试消息。 指定 -d 两次会启用 FUSE 调试消息到 STDOUT。 -f FUSE 前台选项 - 不要作为守护程序运行 -s FUSE 单线程选项(禁用多线程操作)
- :~# cosfs --helpUsage: cosfs BUCKET:[PATH] MOUNTPOINT [OPTION]...Mount an Tencent COS bucket as a file system. General forms for cosfs and FUSE/mount options: -o opt[,opt...] -o opt [-o opt] ...cosfs Options: Most cosfs options are given in the form where "opt" is: <option_name>=<option_value> default_acl (default="public-read") - the default canned acl to apply to all written cos objects retries (default="2") - number of times to retry a failed cos transaction use_cache (default="" which means disabled) - local folder to use for local file cache del_cache (delete local file cache) - delete local file cache when cosfs starts and exits. storage_class (default="standard") - store object with specified storage class. Possible values: standard, standard_ia, and reduced_redundancy. public_bucket (default="" which means disabled) - anonymously mount a public bucket when set to 1 passwd_file (default="") - specify which cosfs password file to use connect_timeout (default="300" seconds) - time to wait for connection before giving up readwrite_timeout (default="60" seconds) - time to wait between read/write activity before giving up max_stat_cache_size (default="1000" entries (about 4MB)) - maximum number of entries in the stat cache stat_cache_expire (default is no expire) - specify expire time(seconds) for entries in the stat cache. enable_noobj_cache (default is disable) - enable cache entries for the object which does not exist. cosfs always has to check whether file(or sub directory) exists under object(path) when cosfs does some command, since cosfs has recognized a directory which does not exist and has files or sub directories under itself. It increases ListBucket request and makes performance bad. You can specify this option for performance, cosfs memorizes in stat cache that the object(file or directory) does not exist. no_check_certificate - server certificate won't be checked against the available certificate authorities. nodnscache (disable dns cache) - cosfs is always using dns cache, this option make dns cache disable. nosscache (disable ssl session cache) - cosfs is always using ssl session cache, this option make ssl session cache disable. multireq_max (default="20") - maximum number of parallel request for listing objects. parallel_count (default="5") - number of parallel request for uploading big objects. cosfs uploads large object(over 20MB) by multipart post request, and sends parallel requests. This option limits parallel request count which cosfs requests at once. It is necessary to set this value depending on a CPU and a network band. multipart_size (default="10") - part size, in MB, for each multipart request. ensure_diskfree (default same multipart_size value) - sets MB to ensure disk free space. cosfs makes file for downloading, uploading and caching files. If the disk free space is smaller than this value, cosfs do not use diskspace as possible in exchange for the performance. singlepart_copy_limit (default="5120") - maximum size, in MB, of a single-part copy before trying multipart copy. url (default="") - sets the url to use to access tencentyun cos default_permission (default=777) - when the file do not have permission meta, cosfs will use this defalut value. endpoint (default="") - sets the endpoint to use on signature version 4 If the cosfs could not connect to the region specified by this option, cosfs could not run. But if you do not specify this option, and if you can not connect with the default region, cosfs will retry to automatically connect to the other region. So cosfs can know the correct region name, because cosfs can find it in an error from the COS server. mp_umask (default is "0000") - sets umask for the mount point directory. If allow_other option is not set, cosfs allows access to the mount point only to the owner. In the opposite case cosfs allows access to all users as the default. But if you set the allow_other with this option, you can control the permissions of the mount point by this option like umask. nomultipart (disable multipart uploads) enable_content_md5 (default is disable) - ensure data integrity during writes with MD5 hash. nocopyapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage) For a distributed object storage which is compatibility COS API without PUT(copy api). If you set this option, cosfs do not use PUT with "x-cos-copy-source"(copy api). Because traffic is increased 2-3 times by this option, we do not recommend this. norenameapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage) For a distributed object storage which is compatibility COS API without PUT(copy api). This option is a subset of nocopyapi option. The nocopyapi option does not use copy-api for all command(ex. chmod, chown, touch, mv, etc), but this option does not use copy-api for only rename command(ex. mv). If this option is specified with nocopyapi, then cosfs ignores it. use_path_request_style (use legacy API calling style) Enble compatibility with OSS-like APIs which do not support the virtual-host request style, by using the older path request style. dbglevel (default="crit") Set the debug message level. set value as crit(critical), err (error), warn(warning), info(information) to debug level. default debug level is critical. If cosfs run with "-d" option, the debug level is set information. When cosfs catch the signal SIGUSR2, the debug level is bumpup. curldbg - put curl debug message Put the debug message from libcurl when this option is specified.FUSE/mount Options: Most of the generic mount options described in 'man mount' are supported (ro, rw, suid, nosuid, dev, nodev, exec, noexec, atime, noatime, sync async, dirsync). Filesystems are mounted with '-onodev,nosuid' by default, which can only be overridden by a privileged user. There are many FUSE specific mount options that can be specified. e.g. allow_other See the FUSE's README for the full set.Miscellaneous Options: -h, --help Output this help. --version Output version info. -d --debug Turn on DEBUG messages to syslog. Specifying -d twice turns on FUSE debug messages to STDOUT. -f FUSE foreground option - do not run as daemon. -s FUSE singlethread option disable multi-threaded operation
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