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昨天续费了域名 NAMESILO 支付宝扣费成功了 但是到期时间未更改
Thanks for waiting. Checking here, the order has been received.
Please note that due to Chinese government restrictions international AliPay payment processing can be slower compared to other payment methods.
This means once you have finished the payment at alipay.com it can take between 3 to 6 hours while the order is processed and completed on NameSilo.com.
It is a technical/bureaucratic issue at Alipay's International Payment Gateway and we are working with Alipay to resolve this issue.
Once you make your payment, you do not need to place your order again, you will just need to wait a few minutes for the order to process. It should be completed within 3 to 6 hours after your payment is processed at AliPay.com.
Thank you for your patience and we apologize for this issue.
Let us know if you require any further assistance.
大家想好了 能在国内注册就别去国外注册了 麻烦事真多
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