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Hobby/Micro/Mini Colocation - $5 /month/starting
1G, 2G Speeds (Unmetered)
0.08A to 4A power
Host your Raspberry Pi or Micro PC/Server
Our DC Includes:
Dual inbound 100G DDoS Protection on all traffic
Micro DC runs 250G upstream available traffic to the DC!
Full Fiber Rack-to-Rack Datacenter, no bottlenecks!
Direct Fiber up to 100G per connection available! (1G, 2G Bonded, 3G, 10G, 40G, 100G)
100% Owned equipment and racks
Rent our IPs or announce your own range!
rDNS available
IPv6 /48 Free!
Internal network available free
Up to 40A power!! Need more? Quote custom
120V & 240V Power drops available
A+B Redundant Drops available
Free CrOSS-Connect for full racks
Fair-Usage External KVM Access
IPMI access (its your equipment!)
Secure TenantOS IPMI Access Available free upon request
Free rack and stack!
All racks are under lock and key
Full-rack colo = 24x7 coded access to your rack!
Power and Network cables included up to 10U (if bringing your own router you must provide your own network cables)
Spare parts storage space included, or we can sell you new parts as needed
Free reboots (fair warning, we power cycle the port)
24x7 surveillance, environment monitoring and tracking, hotspot tracking
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