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[整理ing] RN RackNerd VPS活动促销特价+流量翻倍+机房+邮箱/push

195 12
发表于 2023-12-14 10:20:20 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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23.11.14 黑5套餐推出,详见30楼。同时已加入汇总方便比价。

RN 目前所有在售特价套餐整理汇总


768M / 1C / 15G SSD / 1T   $10.18/年 (23黑5)

1G / 1C / 20G SSD / 4T   $10.29/年 (LEB专属)

1G / 1C / 17G SSD / 3T   $10.98/年

1.2G / 1C / 18G SSD / 2T   $14.88/年 含DC2

2G / 1C / 30G SSD / 2.5T   $16.98/年 (23黑5)  含DC2

1G / 1C / 20G SSD / 3T   $17.98/年 (FR上线) 专ST

2G / 1C / 30G SSD / 4T   $24.89/年 (FR上线) 专ST

2.5G / 2C / 50G SSD / 5T   $25.49/年 (23黑5)  含DC2

2.5G / 3C / 50G SSD / 6.5T   $26.25/年 含DC2

3.5G / 3C / 45G SSD / 7T   $28.99/年  含DC2

3.5G / 3C / 36G SSD / 5T   $30.19/年  含DC2

3.5G / 2C / 60G SSD / 6T   $35.88/年  含DC2

4G / 2C / 80G SSD / 8T   $38.88/年 (23黑5)  含DC2

4G / 2C / 50G SSD / 6T   $44.59/年 (FR上线) 专ST

4.5G / 4C / 115G SSD / 10T   $52.49/年 (23黑5)  含DC2

8G / 4C / 100G SSD / 5T   $89/年 含DC2

6G / 4C / 140G SSD / 6T   $95/年 含DC2

8G / 4C / 200G SSD / 8T   $135/年 含DC2

1.5G / 1C / 20G SSD / 3T  5个IPV4  $60/年 (多IP款)

AMD 款(Linux VPS)

512M / 1A / 6G NVMe / 400GB   $15/年

1G / 1A / 24G NVMe / 2.5T   $18.18/年  (22年黑5闪购)

1.5G / 1A / 30G NVMe / 2.5T   $19/年 (23年黑5)仅NY

2G / 2A / 40G NVMe / 4T   $29/年 (23年黑5)仅NY

2G / 2A / 38G NVMe / 4T   $31.88/年  (22年黑5闪购)

1G / 1A / 20G NVMe / 2T   $32.55/年

1.5G / 1A / 22G NVMe / 3T   $35.59/年

3G / 2A / 55G NVMe / 6T   $45/年 (23年黑5)仅NY

3G / 2A / 55G NVMe / 5T   $48.79/年  (限时款)

2.5G / 2A / 40G NVMe / 6T   $69.59/年

AMD 款 (Windows VPS)

2.5G / 1A / 40G NVMe / 3.5T   $69/年

4G / 3A / 60G NVMe / 6T   $115/年

12G / 4A / 160G NVMe / 12T   $289/年

打开 Email 訊息紀錄,在邮件名是 KVM VPS Login Information 的邮件里。


自助更换IPv4:到用户后台,点击需要更换的VPS,在左边有"Change IP"的选项,点击后按照说明操作即可。系统会生成一个$3的一次性账单,支付后系统会自动更换IP。

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浅生Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:20:57 | 查看全部


方法1:到LET(lowendtalk)社区的特定贴子里回帖 (贴子地址非固定,会更新):

  1. Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.Order: 邮件里看 10位数Thanks!
(Order Number 可这里看:Email 訊息紀錄(View Email Log)网址 https://my.racknerd.com/clientarea.php?action=emails  邮件标题里就有,10位数的)


方法2:可私信我或电报我 t.me/kpp55 发你的Order Number,代去LET回帖翻倍流量。





CC 机房(全称 ColoCrossing):圣何塞、西雅图、新泽西、芝加哥、达拉斯等等都是,目前不支持IPV6。<strike>IP基本都再次被 Google 列入黑名单,搜索时会跳验证</strike>(2023.06.30更新:目前IP又再次不跳Google验证了,不知能保持多久)

MC机房(全称 Multacom Corporation):仅洛杉矶DC02是,IP不会跳 Google 验证,另有IPv6,可发工单申请(至多100个,建议1~5个)




注:富强时google跳验证的问题,可用一键脚本WARP 解决:
  1. wget -N https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/menu.sh && bash menu.sh
(此项目地址:https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp.git )



改邮箱 / push




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TyCodingLv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:21:15 | 查看全部
更新:23.08庆祝法国斯特拉斯堡机房上线推出促销套餐(标识 ST)

斯特拉斯堡机房 测试贴:https://loc.xiu.ee/thread-1193648-1-1.html
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独家记忆Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:21:32 | 查看全部
高质量aff,之前已经走过楼主的aff  {:3_46:}
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IT618发布Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:22:28 | 查看全部
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独家记忆Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:22:36 | 查看全部
We are reaching out to update you on an important IPv4-related change happening at our Los Angeles DC-02 location, which based on our records, one or more of your VPS services are currently hosted. If you have multiple services with us, please be aware that this only impacts KVM VPS services hosted out of our Los Angeles DC-02 location. All other datacenter locations of ours remain unaffected. To clarify, this change will only affect your IPv4 address; your data will remain intact, and entirely unaffected. IPv6 addresses also will not be changed.

Our upstream provider in Los Angeles DC-02 (Multacom) has initiated an IPv4 network renumbering project -- a change that is set to impact all downstream clients, including RackNerd. The renumbering process is pivotal for aligning with the long-term vision and expansion plans of the Multacom datacenter, which is now part of the EdgeCentres family.

Please note, that you will not experience any price changes, and additionally, we understand that our Los Angeles DC-02 location continues to experience remarkable popularity, notably among users in the US west coast, Oceania, and Asia. The top-tier network performance at our Los Angeles DC-02 location will continue as you have come to expect.

To give you a clearer picture, we operate over 500 hypervisors (also known as host nodes) at this specific location. To ensure a smooth transition, we'll roll out this update in a structured and phased manner. Here's a breakdown of the scheduled IP migrations:

The IP renumbering will be conducted in the following batches:

Node names beginning with LAXSSD1* to LAXSSD3* -- Oct 1 to Oct 15, 2023
Node names beginning with LAXSSD4* to LAXSSD6* -- Oct 15 to Oct 31, 2023
Node names beginning with LAXSSD7* to LAXSSD9* — Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2023
Node names beginning with LAX0* — Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2023
How do you know what node your VPS is on? Log into the SolusVM control panel located at https://nerdvm.racknerd.com/ and click on "Manage" on the VPS in question. Once you do, you'll see a table column for "Node". Here’s a video tutorial on how to do so.

The renumbering process will be automated but closely monitored by our Engineering team. You can expect to receive an email with the subject line "[RackNerd] New IP Address Assigned" once the process is completed for your VPS. This email will include your newly assigned IP address details. Alternatively, you can sporadically check SolusVM during the respective timeframe; if you notice an IP change, you'll find the new information there. Given the sheer volume of the VMs involved, this is a sizable operation and will be systematically carried out over multiple weeks. After the new IP is assigned, we will automatically utilize the "Reconfigure Network" feature by SolusVM to automatically update your server's operating system network configuration over to the new IP address. All said and done, there should be less than a few minutes of downtime per VM.

Just to be clear, this is only an IP address change - and your data/settings/etc will remain fully intact.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and we are quite confident that the long-term benefits will make it worthwhile. Once the Multacom datacenter is fully integrated with the EdgeCentres network, we're excited to tap into their extensive capabilities and various points of presence. For context, you may have seen that our LA DC-02 location has frequently been out of stock over the past year. This has been largely due to constraints at the Multacom datacenter, especially when it comes to available space and limited facility power, which have been limiting our ability to grow. Now that Multacom is becoming a part of EdgeCentres, we're optimistic these roadblocks will be cleared. This paves the way not just for our growth at LA DC-02, but also for expanding into new datacenter locations with EdgeCentres, which in turn means more locations for our customers to deploy services out of.

Your continued trust in RackNerd is highly appreciated, and our team stands ready to assist you with any questions you may have through this transition. If you have any special requests or require unique accommodations related to this change, please respond to this email within 7 days (the sooner, the better). We will do our utmost to understand your requirements and strive to accommodate them to the best of our ability.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and continued partnership with us. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please e-mail our Engineering team directly at: [email protected]


Our Los Angeles DC-02 facility continues to see sustained high demand, particularly from users across the US west coast, Oceania, and Asia. This location operates out of the Multacom datacenter (our upstream provider) located at 707 Wilshire Blvd., which is now part of the EdgeCentres family.

Since Multacom joining the EdgeCentres family of brands, my team and I have had several in-depth discussions with EdgeCentres management, both virtually and in person, in Downtown LA. We're quite optimistic about their long-term strategy and their aggressive expansion initiatives. We believe that in the long run, these developments will translate into benefits for you, our end users, and will also pave the way for us to tap into new markets in the foreseeable future.

Our clients and prospective clients may have noticed that our Los Angeles DC-02 inventory has frequently been sold out throughout the past year. The reason behind this has been Multacom's limitations in terms of facility space and power capabilities to support our rapid growth. Now, with Multacom becoming a part of EdgeCentres, these bottlenecks are expected to be addressed, allowing us to not only continue our expansion but also to maintain more consistent inventory availability in this popular location.

An element of our upstream provider (Multacom’s) integration into EdgeCentres is the renumbering of IPv4 addresses and the consolidation of smaller IPv4 CIDR blocks that were holding up entire /24's. Given the network's scale, the IPv4 renumbering project will be implemented in multiple phases. While this does cause a minor inconvenience in the short term for all downstream clients of Multacom (including us and thus our end-users), we are confident that the long term benefits will outweigh the short-term challenges.

I want to be completely transparent about the intricacy of this renumbering process. We're talking about managing more than 500 physical host nodes in just this location, not to mention the countless individual virtual machines that reside here. Our team is zeroed in on trying to make this as seamless as possible for our customers.

To help ease the transition, we’re incorporating the following measures:

Automated Reconfiguration: Once your new IP(s) have been assigned, we will automatically attempt to "reconfigure network" via SolusVM for your VPS, meaning most of you won't have to manually adjust any network settings within your OS level, unless you're on a custom OS.

Personalized Email Notifications: Instead of simply telling our customers to refer to SolusVM to know their new IP, we'll send out individual emails with the new IP address for your VPS. This adds an extra layer of convenience for you.

Clear Documentation: The email notification will also include the old IP address for easy reference, making the transition transparent.

Consistent IP Count for Multi-IP Customers: If you have multiple IPv4 addresses assigned to your VPS, there’s no need to worry about any count-discrepancies during the transition. We'll assess the number of IPs currently allocated to your VM and ensure that you receive an equivalent number of new replacement IPs. This way, you won’t have to go through the hassle of requesting additional IPs post-renumbering.

Billing System Updates: We'll update your service records in our billing/support system (WHMCS) with the new IP(s) to eliminate any confusion when managing your services or seeking support.

Minimal Downtime: All said and done, we are talking about under 2 minutes of downtime on average per VM.

This change will not result in any pricing changes to our clients. RackNerd remains steadfast in our mission to provide unparalleled reliability and top-notch service. Additionally, for those curious if there will be any network carrier related changes - the good news is that you can expect the same robust network performance (Multacom’s BGP blend) in this location to remain the same.

Once we cross this bridge, we look forward to new horizons (additional datacenter locations and more consistent inventory availability in Los Angeles DC-02).

We greatly value your ongoing support and the trust you've placed in RackNerd as your provider. Feel free to reach out if anyone has any questions!
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独家记忆Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:23:18 | 查看全部
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婷姐Lv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:24:01 | 查看全部
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TyCodingLv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:24:08 | 查看全部
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CrystαlLv.8 发表于 2023-12-14 10:25:05 | 查看全部
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