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Hello and Merry Christmas.
We are the WHMCSec security team. Recently we broke into Cloudie and obtained complete data.
We tried to communicate with him in a friendly manner and offered him $200 to help him improve security and avoid data leakage.
But he replied to us that he doesn't care about the security of user data.
And lied to you, claiming that the data was not leaked
Therefore we decided to release its complete database SQL DUMP within 24 hours, please join our Telegram group to learn more
Our goal is to clean up all hosting providers who are not responsible for customer data
In addition, we will also release data on SmartHost, LetBox, etc. in the near future.
一句话就是:有人入侵了 Cloudie 的 WHMCS 并获取了数据,要钱没给,准备公布数据库。
我没 Cloudie 账号,未验证不保真,来源:
备注下:与 cloudie.hk 无关,是 cloudie.sh (Cloudie Networks, LLC),不是同一家
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