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Greetings. I’m reaching out to you from the ITS department at UCR. As you might be aware, Google is changing their agreements with academic institutions such that unlimited storage will no longer be available. Each institution will be allocated an amount of storage calculated by number and type of Google accounts at the institution. As a result, and after analyzing usage on campus, we will be imposing quotas on a number of account types, including alumni.
I’m reaching out proactively, as you are one of the largest users of space in your UCR Google Drive account, at around 70TB (as of Dec ’23), and are a UCR alum. As the quota on alumni accounts is planned to be around 10GB, you’ll likely want to transfer, download, delete, etc your data before the quota gets imposed. Also, because Google throttles bandwidth for large transfers, it could take weeks to download/transfer that amount of data. If the account is not under quota by the deadline, currently scheduled to be July 1, 2024, you run the risk of losing your data.
I would be happy to meet with you to discuss, and or offer some assistance with methods to move that amount of data. Let me know if you’re interested.
我主动联系您是因为您在UCR Google Drive账户中是最大用户之一,目前约为70TB(截至2023年12月),并且是UCR校友。由于计划对校友账户设置约10GB的配额限制,所以在实施配额之前,您可能希望转移、下载、删除等数据操作。另外,请注意由于谷歌会对大容量传输进行带宽限制,下载/转移这么大量数据可能需要数周时间。如果到截止日期(当前计划为2024年7月1日)时仍未达到配额要求,则有可能丢失您的数据。
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